Spaces and Exchanges Mind Map

Spaces and Exchanges Mind Map Work

I) Clear cut distinction
 The distinction that is made in the mind map is the one between "real" spaces and exchanges  virtual spaces and exchanges.

II) Types of spaces
The distinction is clearly made between virtual and real spaces. 

Firstly, we're going to define some of virtual spaces:
-Chat room & forums: These virtual spaces are very various, since it can stand for an endless type of subjects. Forums and chat rooms are mostly made for people who have doubts and want answers. It can be for video games, cooking, daily life advices, love tips, sports... There is no limit for these chats that can be very helpfuls.

-Social networks: What would look like our 21st century without social networks? These virtual platforms are useful to get in touch with your close ones, and follow closely your favorite celebs and influencers. In it, you can share your feelings, pictures, videos, even songs. More and more, these platforms are all about trading: influencers are sponsored by important brands and make advertising of it, and also ads are more and more targeted depending on your social media activity.

-Web sites: A web site is a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person  or organzation. There are billions of web sites on the internet, so that everyone can be pleased by them. There are dedicated for differents topics, such as entertainment :(Youtube, Reddit, Twitch..), news:(CNN, BBC...), and a lot more.

-Blogosphere: The blogosphere is a way to say the diversity of blogs. A blog is a website, bun in a more personnal aspect. These has been very famous in the beggining oh the 21st century, with Web sites such as MySpace where teenagers could make their own blog as a personal diary and keep contact with their friends, share music and hobbies. Now, blog are more refered to cooking or lifestyle blogs, where average people or influencers post their articles.

Now, we're going to define some of real spaces:
-The first world: The first world defines the most developped countries in the world. There are also said as countries of the north: Europe, USA, Canada, Australia.. These are the most influentials coutries, that has most of the power and owns the most wealth. These countries are mostly powerfuls because of their past history: esclavisation and conquests of southern countries have helped them empowering and having more power on the rest of the earth.

-The third world: The third world defines the rest of the world that is not the first world. These places are more late in the globalization phenomenon mostly because of their past history: they have been conquired by northern countries and empoverished by them. Also, their main ressources are exploited by northern countries.

-Small towns: They are usually in between of villages and cities. They are more and more dropped by their inhabitants since more and more people are now going into cities: it is called urbanization

-Borders: Borders are where spaces are limited. It can be physical, like a barrier, or not physical, between two countries. It is more and more used to avoid the arrival of immigrants in certain countries, for example between Mexico and USA, because USA's president assumed that they were too many immigrants coming from Mexico in the land of America.

-Emerging powers: Even if the first world has dominance, some countries are acqueering a lot of power and make conccurence with first world countries. It is the example of China, who went from a rural country into the 2nd world power.

-Global Cities: A global city is where most of the exchanges are made in the world: in a touristic, economic, and diplomatic point of view. Traditionally, there are four global city: Paris, Tokyo, London and New York

III) Types of exchanges
Firstly, we're going to define virtual exchanges:
-Online Gaming: It is a phenomenon that has taken the entire world. Because of internet connexion, you can now play your favorite games on computer, mobiles or consoles with your friends spreaded over the world or with unknown that can become your online friends.

-Video Conferencing: In times of containment as where having now, video conferencing is fundamental. It consits in a call but with video including, so you can see in live action the ones you talk with. It is very practical to keep in touch with people you don't see quite often to see their face, and also to work at distance.

-Text messaging: Because of this invention, it is quite simple nowadays to chat with your friends, family and even proffesional ones. Because of this text exchange, you can simply set an appointment or simply ask how is someone's day.

-E-Commerce: It is the act to buy or sell elements on the internet. It is very practical to find specific stuff, hand crafted things or just simple things if you are too lazy to go irl shopping. 

Now, we're going to define real exchanges:
-Student exchange programs: These are made to get students the opportunity to live day by day a students life in another country. It can be very instructive since you open your mind to different culture and get to know new ways of working and different types of people.

-International migration: It can be wanted or unwanted: There are political, climatic migrations that are not wanted but forced because of war or climatic conditions that can't be supportable. But also, there are wanted migrations like tourism or mutations.

-Illegal drug trade: It is the act of exchanging drugs in exchange of money. It is severely injured by law, but it also helps a lot of people who can't get a job to survive.


  1. This looks OK, Marguerite . You'll find your mark in a new comment once all blog posts have been published by your classmates. In the meantime, keep up the serious homework.

  2. 1. MIND MAP 1/4
    2. SPACES: 7,5/8
    3. EXCHANGES: 7,5/8
    OVERALL MARK: 16 /20
    Genuinely personal. Well done, Marguerite.


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