
SECOND NOTION: Locations and form of power

Locations and form of power How does gun control can be sensibilized throught art? First document:  Cartoon "gun lobby and congress" by Steve Sack published in 2010 Second document: Song "No guns allowed" by Snoop Lion in 2013 Third document: Movie "Elephant" by Gus Van Sant in 2003 In all of these artistical projects, the author always critisizes some of the aspects of weapons in America. In the first document, it shows the relation between guns and the political environmment. In the second document, a well-known rapper sensibilizes its community throught a reggae song that gets easily stuck in our heads. In the third document, Gus Van Sant offers a more comprehensive view and shows throught his art the damages of school shootings.

Individual document on the consequence of the actual health crisis

      Individual document on the consequence of the actual health crisis Since there's this big, worlwide and suprising health crisis who has took over, the artsy world has taken a new point of view. Corona virus has a lot to do with our notion " Spaces and exchanges ". Spaces have reduced, since we are only allowed to stay at home, or go outside for essential goods with special devices: masks and gloves, and social distancing. Also, exchanges are limited too. Commercial exchanges are tight and social exchanges are almost absent, since we can only see people who cohabit with ourselves. As I was scrolling through Instagram for the 5649 time in a day, I saw this 2002 image from artist Glen Wexler. This american photographic artist is mainly known for his  digital photocompositions of improbable situations, as we can see in this picture. This image shows a girl in an all transparent suit, with an "astronauty" thing for her head. She's walking her

EXchanges in real spaces & virtual spaces

Exchanges in real spaces & virtual spaces In these particular times where the real  world is static, the virtual  world quickly gained the upper hand. But how far is the boundary between real and virtual spaces becoming increasingly blurred nowadays? Ace  Computers - Harvey Schwadron In this satiric cartoon, we see in foreground a computers store's showcase. In it, there are computers shown and also a big billboard. Next to it, there's a man who looks intrigued by the showcase. The big billboard says: " Welcome, Eco-Tourists! Why travel & add to pollution? Stay home & visit exotic travel web sites! " This cartoon's aim is to show that people are becoming less and less sensitive to real spaces. Technology has become so advanced and as close as the real world that people would rather stay at home, visiting "exotic travel web sites" than travel, with the excuse of pollution. Aditionally, we must remember that internet pollution i

Spaces and Exchanges Mind Map

Spaces and Exchanges Mind Map Work I) Clear cut distinction  The distinction that is made in the mind map is the one between "real" spaces and exchanges  virtual spaces and exchanges. II) Types of spaces The distinction is clearly made between virtual and real spaces.  Firstly, we're going to define some of virtual spaces: - Chat room & forums :  These virtual spaces are very various, since it can stand for an endless type of subjects. Forums and chat rooms are mostly made for people who have doubts and want answers. It can be for video games, cooking, daily life advices, love tips, sports... There is no limit for these chats that can be very helpfuls. -Social networks : What would look like our 21st century without social networks? These virtual platforms are useful to get in touch with your close ones, and follow closely your favorite celebs and influencers. In it, you can share your feelings, pictures, videos, even songs. More and more, these

Bac Exam Paper: Expression Écrite

Bac Exam Paper: Expression écrite


Elephant : A Gus Van Sant movie 1) What struck you most in the film? What strucked me most in the film is that even if we know since the beggining who are the two shooters, I didn't felt hate or anger towards them. Firstly, I had compassion for Alex who's bullied. Then, when we are in his bedroom, we feel the empty and boring atmospphere that the director wants to recall. Even at the end, I don't dislike these evil characters who just seems bored. 2) What also impressed you? What I've found impressing is that there is no real, deep conversations in the movie. It is a very visual movie because non of the dialectical information that is given is really helpful for the understanding of the movie. 3) Did you find anything  more particularly upsetting ? At the middle of the movie, there's a scene where we see Alex playing piano and Eric playing a video game on his laptop. We see the shhoting game on full-screen where Eric shoots people from behind. It is a pret

March For Our Lives

March For Our Lives March for our lives is an american movement who's mission is to  fight against weapons abuse , specially in schools. Since there has been a lot of school shootings through the decades in the USA, this movement wants to protect youth from this type of violence.  This movement aims for peace in a country where there is a " gun volence epidemic ", as they say. In order to achieve their mission, "March for our lives" has established a "peace plan", in wich there are made 6 bold steps to make a Safer America. Their many mottos include: "Never Again                                                                  "Protect Kids,Not Guns"                                                                                          "America Love Your Children Not Your Guns"                                                                                              "You Can Put A Silenter On A Gun,